Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Construction (XCM)


XCM - XPLUS Contract Management - an industry cloud based on Dynamics 365 dedicated to the construction industry

XPLUS Contract Management (XCM) is a specialized Microsoft Dynamics 365 based Enterprise Resource Planning solution dedicated to medium and large construction companies.

Being in the constrution industry you want to know the facts and figures regarding all project milestones – including finances and deadlines.

At your fingertips – XCM aggregates all business operations providing a 360-degree view of project management & budgeting, purchase contract handling together with protocols of acceptance with subcontractors, handling of sales contracts and work acceptance protocols with the investor, surveying as well as cashflow.

XCM is adaptable and customizable so that you can define the scope and form of the information fed to you.

Based on our construction industry knowledge and ready-to-use products dedicated to construction we know how to parameterize and adapt the Microsoft ecosystem – especially Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management to your daily operations.

The holistic XPLUS Contract Management cloud solution with a focus on the construction industry and project delivery companies supports all business needs end-to-end.

XCM is based on standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 modules such as Project Management and Accounting, Vendor Settlements, Recipient Settlements, General Ledger, Bank and Cash Management as well as Warehouse Management. This means you obtain a comprehensive solution supporting all business processes when it comes to constructing public buildings, bridges, railroads, roads, and such like.

Starting from the full handling of projects and investment budgets, through purchasing with control of subcontractors and guarantee deposits, sales to the investor to full finance and controlling of projects and as well as the entire company.


• Project management and budgeting • Handling purchase agreements and acceptance protocols • Sales agreements and work acceptance protocols • Quantity Survey Management • Cashflow


By utilizing XCM functionalities, team leaders and managers can attain a higher level of oversight over work progress, financial operations, and phase status. Additionally, XCM allows for process optimization, performance and productivity analysis, inventory monitoring, and cooperation with third parties, thereby facilitating well-informed business decisions.


  • Increase business efficiency, allowing for growth beyond market average
  • Optimize your company's functioning, minimizing operational costs
  • Enable current control of ongoing contracts, reacting to problems that may threaten the planned margin
  • Improve control over contracts with subcontractors and investors, detecting errors made by contractors
  • Prepare for economic downturns, providing a real competitive advantage
  • Budget simulations and comparisons allowing for anticipation of market trends

FOR BUSINESS MANAGERS: -Implement an early warning system to identify problems in contracts

  • Compare plan with execution (budget vs. actual) of tasks
  • Check project parameters, control margins, and costs
  • Calculate actual margins, break down overhead costs by cost allocation key -Organize your company in terms of processes -Obtain a single data source for all business elements -Standardize working methods of all contract implementation teams -Control subcontractors and suppliers -Analyze individual projects or groups -Learn from the past with a common single contract database


  • Monitor cash flow of contracts and prepare for payments ahead of time
  • Use automated systems for financial documents and invoices to avoid misplacement
  • Stay updated on project status to eliminate the need for constant communication with project managers
  • Register measurements to automate calculation of ongoing work
  • Utilize automated controls for reconciliations of warranties, deposits, and subcontractor advances
  • Apply cost allocation models to break down general costs into specific contracts
  • Use a simplified and compliant chart of accounts to allow for flexibility during organizational changes
  • Consolidate data and accurately report to the stock exchange


  • Integrate contract information in one place with access to multidimensional data analysis
  • Compare costs of materials and services between construction sites using additional financial analytics
  • Analyze costs precisely and use multiple cost allocation options
  • Control and plan budgets using simulations and comparisons


  • Centralized contract management: easily monitor and manage contracts
  • Invoice management: no more lost invoices
  • Real-time budget tracking: monitor budget utilization from the start
  • Automatic contract compliance monitoring
  • Access to contract data from start to finish
  • Improve profitability by better controlling work and subcontractors
  • Manage work schedules and payment

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