Sales Installments App
pateikė Logosoft BH
Flexible payment options for sales products through easy installments
Opis: Unaprijedite upravljanje prodajnim transakcijama u Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central s dodatkom "Sales Installment". Ovaj inovativni dodatak omogućuje organizacijama da optimiziraju svoje procese prodaje i poboljšaju upravljanje likvidnošću kroz fleksibilno plaćanje na rate.
Ključne značajke uključuju:
- Fleksibilno razdvajanje faktura prodaje: Jednostavno podijelite proknjižene prodajne fakture na više rata, pružajući klijentima opciju lakšeg upravljanja troškovima kroz prilagodljive planove plaćanja.
- Automatizacija Procesa: Automatsko zatvaranje originalne fakture pomoću prelaznog konta, dok se istovremeno generiraju otvorene rate, osigurava efikasnost i točnost u knjigovodstvenim operacijama.
- Prilagodljivi Setup: Definirajte prelazne konte za originalne fakture i rate, maksimalni broj rata, te interval dospijeća između svake rate (npr. 1M), omogućavajući visoku razinu prilagodbe prema potrebama vaše organizacije.
- Ispis Anuitetnog Plana: Nakon podjele na rate, ispišite detaljan anuitetni plan sa svim generiranim ratama, pružajući jasnu i transparentnu komunikaciju s klijentima o njihovim obvezama.
"Sales Installment" je dizajniran da integrira bez problema s vašim postojećim setupom Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, omogućavajući vam da odmah počnete s poboljšanjem upravljanja prodajnim procesima i financijskom fleksibilnošću.
Otkrijte kako "Sales Installment" može transformirati vaše poslovanje i podržati vas u ostvarivanju bolje kontrole nad prodajnim ciklusima i poboljšati zadovoljstvo vaših klijenata.
Title: Sales Installment for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Description:Elevate your sales transaction management within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with the "Sales Installment" extension. This innovative add-on enables organizations to streamline their sales processes and improve liquidity management through flexible installment payments.
Key features include:
- Flexible Invoice Splitting: Effortlessly split posted sales invoices into multiple installments, offering your clients an easier way to manage expenses through customizable payment plans.
- Automated Processes: Automatic closure of the original invoice using a transitional account, while simultaneously generating open installments, ensures efficiency and accuracy in accounting operations.
- Customizable Setup: Define transitional accounts for original invoices and installments, maximum number of installments, and the due date interval between each installment (e.g., 1M), allowing for high customization to meet your organization's needs.
- Annuity Plan Printing: After splitting into installments, print a detailed annuity plan with all generated installments, providing clear and transparent communication with clients regarding their obligations.
"Sales Installment" is designed for seamless integration with your existing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central setup, enabling you to immediately begin enhancing your sales process management and financial flexibility.
Discover how "Sales Installment" can transform your business and support you in achieving better control over sales cycles and improving client satisfaction.