pateikė MiClient private Limited
Enable Sales Processes with unified CRM & Configure Price Quote (CPQ) Solution
MiClient sales platform allows business owners and sales leaders to automate and manage their entire sales cycle: from lead management - quote management - closing the deal.
An active two-way communication with their customers through our Virtual deal room, streamlines all the interactions and also helps managing the versions of the quotes in one centralized place. You can create your quotes with in-built template builder capabilities which improvises your customer experience and increases the chances of closing the deals. With the help of MiClient, sales people can create quotes with accuracy and send it to their prospects faster and quicker.
To summarize MiClient provides unified experience of CRM and CPQ for businesses by doing their real-time end-to-end sales activities at one place.
Programų galimybės
- Gali siųsti duomenis internetu
- Ši programa gali pasiekti aktyvaus pranešimo asmeninę informaciją, pvz., telefono numerius, pašto adresus arba URL. Programa gali siųsti šiuos duomenis trečiosios šalies paslaugai. Kitų jūsų pašto dėžutėje esančių elementų skaityti arba keisti negalima.