Abacus Integration for Word
pateikė AbacusResearchAG
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Boost your workflow with the seamless integration of Abacus Software and Microsoft Office.
Get the best of both worlds! By seamlessly connecting Microsft Office with Abacus Software, your workflows are boosted in efficiency and easiness.
With this add-in, you benefit from the following features in the respective Office product:
- Word: Editing and filing Word documents with two-way synchronization
- Excel: Editing and filing Excel sheets with two-way synchronization
- Outlook: Integration coming soon
To use this add-in, an installation of Abacus is required.
Programų galimybės
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- Gali skaityti ir keisti jūsų dokumentą
- Gali siųsti duomenis internetu
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Kitos programos iš AbacusResearchAG
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