CareFlow Connect - clinical communications and collaboration system

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integrated communication and messaging platform for effective collaboration across care communities

CareFlow Connect is an integrated communication and collaboration platform that uses secure instant messaging and event-driven care co-ordination (e.g. alerts, task management) to enable multi-disciplinary teams to collaborate more effectively across care communities.

Fully integrated with electronic patient records and social care systems, CareFlow Connect provides a full view of the communication history and a robust audit trail.

A recent McKinsey report pointed to a 15% to 37% potential reduction in hospitalisations resulting from digitally-enabled integrated care processes.

We are working with acute, community, adult and children’s social care organisations to connect, integrate and personalise care.

Benefits of CareFlow Connect

  • Stops valuable time being wasted in inefficient communication. Instead, time is spent efficiently and productively with colleagues and patients/citizens
  • Real-time alerts support cross-organisational collaboration e.g. a care worker could ask to be alerted if a citizen attends A&E, is admitted, discharged or deteriorates
  • Improves workflow by simply allowing caregivers to communicate, share and discuss their patients/citizens. The results: reduced admissions, faster discharge, improved health outcomes and improved patient/citizen satisfaction
  • Easy to install, set-up and maintain
  • Fully integrated with electronic patient records and social care systems
  • Hosted in the Cloud, therefore no need to upgrade and support expensive hardware and no worries about operating systems, security patches or server licenses
  • Enables mobile working, easier collaboration, and patient empowerment tools.
  • Meets strict security and IG requirements for health and social care
  • Compliant with NHS IG Toolkit and are Cyber Essentials certified. All patient-identifiable data is encrypted and users are authenticated through OAuth 2.0.


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