agilesWorkflow 1-day workshop

agiles Informationssysteme GmbH

During this 1-day introduction, our experienced consultants will support you with the basic set-up of the agilesWorkflow app for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

In our interactive workshop, we make sure that you get a first insight into the app and introduce you to the most important functions. Of course, there will be time for you to ask us your questions. In addition, you will have the possibility to pick up helpful tips and tricks.

Below you can see an outline of the workshop. The precise content will be based on your level of knowledge and prior experience as well as on open questions that you might have.

  • First steps / handling in agilesWorkflow
  • Basic functions
  • Set-up and test of the basic settings
  • Discussion of 10 basic scenarios (e.g. new creditor)
  • Possibility to ask all your questions about the tool

Aim of the workshop
The goal of this 1-day workshop is to create a uniform basic understanding of the app and the design of processes so that you can create simple workflows on your own.
