Financial Reporting: 1-Wk Proof of Concept

Collectiv LLC

Is your finance stuck in spreadsheet chaos? Do you want to use Power BI for financial reporting? This proof of concept will deliver powerful financial reports utilizing your data with Power BI

Avoid financial reporting nightmares like manually entering GL data into spreadsheets for reporting, non-secure report distribution, inaccurate reports, cost, labour and time-intensive report creation, outdated data, inefficient report design, etc. 

This 1 week proof of concept is ideal for anyone in charge of improving financial reporting and analysis.

The POC deliverable  will be focused around producing a mutually agreed financial report (P&L, Balance Sheet, Cashflow, Capex, Variance Analysis etc)

Collectiv will not only create this report with your organizations' data but also deliver videos that showcase additional capabilities that are essential for finance, including: 

  • Principles of robust data modelling and DAX logic
  • How to use Power Query for ETL (Extraction, Transformation & Loading) from your data sources 
  • How to use Power BI for planning/ forecasting and data collection processes 
  • Workflow and approvals
  • Top-down, bottom-up & driver-based budgeting/ forecasting/ planning
