Mitigate Compliance and Privacy Risks - 3 Day Workshop


Microsoft-Funded Workshop to help organizations understand and discover insider and privacy risks and how to mitigate

This Microsoft-funded, Mitigate Compliance & Privacy Risks Workshop , helps qualifying organizations to understand, discover and assess their compliance and privacy risks*

During this workshop, your organization will:

• Focus on learning about your priorities, initiatives, and key influences on your compliance strategy • Discover Insider and Privacy Risks in your environment • Learn about Microsoft’s approach to compliance and insider risk • Plan next steps on how we can work together

Activities to be completed:

• Pre-engagement meeting • User Risk Check • Compliance manager tenant assessment • Microsoft Purview portfolio overview • Recommendations and next steps

After the workshop, you will:

• Have Insider Risk strategy documentation for your teams and stakeholders • Better understand, prioritize, and mitigate potential threats • Accelerate your compliance journey with Microsoft Purview • Have defined next steps based on your needs and objectives

  • This Microsoft-funded workshop is for qualifying organizations only. Contact us to see if you qualify.
