Dynamics 365 Business Central Upgrade from GP/NAV: 2 Day Assessment


Leverage Synoptek’s Dynamics 365 Business Central Assessment services to identify the next steps for upgrade.

Synoptek's assessment includes the first two stages of upgrade: Evaluation and Analysis. We provide a personalized upgrade roadmap as well as review your current licenses and provide estimates for corresponding licenses in Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Assessment Requisites

  • List of current pain points and manual workarounds
  • Current list of operating companies, locations, organization structure, and consolidations
  • Timeline and budget for a potential upgrade
  • Admin access to your current GP or NAV system for review


Day 1

  • Meet with the executive and leadership team virtually to discuss business objectives and vision for the upgrade
  • Virtual meets with functional SMEs to understand current business processes and how they have changed from what was set up in your current system
  • Understand the current infrastructure and implementation as well as discuss major customizations/integrations
  • Review business documents, customer and vendor interactions, and item characteristics that are currently documented outside of the current ERP system
  • Review high-level business and reporting objectives

Day 2

  • Review current licensing
  • Discuss with business owners and SMEs new functionality available within Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Review the SaaS software model, including Microsoft Road Map for Dynamics product line
  • Brief demo


Solution design as well as a detailed upgrade plan including:
  • Recommendation on the upgrade vs re-implementation
  • Possible roadmap and next steps
  • High-level understanding of the new SaaS license model and a license transformation guide
  • Discuss the overall viability of Dynamics 365 Business Central upgrade for your business
  • A budgetary estimate of an upgrade including ISV extensions
