etagis Connector

izdevējs bms GmbH

Connect etagis with Business Central. Always plan with live data.

Software for interactive production planning & control

etagis offers with etagis APS an affordable optimization of order processing in production also for small and medium-sized companies. The extreme performance of the software allows to pick up your specifications directly in the optimization run and delivers the production planning based on them against limited capacity after a few seconds. Simply save different scenarios and select the valid planning from them.

Discuss what you see! The graphical display of the planning in the control station provides a new quality in meetings. The control station integrates purchasing, production and sales into the planning process and ensures solutions that everyone can support. This also means "interactive"!

Simulation & resource optimization

Common ERP systems plan under the assumption of unlimited capacity. To implement this result in practice is usually "sporty"...
Therefore, etagis has developed an innovative planning against limited capacity, which is based on rules that are comprehensible in practice. The performance allows the planner to specify alternative resources, sequences and priorities or to use a frozen zone.

Interactive resource planning

The "resource view" enables a quick overview of the utilization of your production. Planned operations for each resource are displayed in a Gantt chart. Resources can be machines, employees, but also tools or production equipment.
Specifications for optimization can easily be entered: The planner simply moves an operation directly in the diagram or in the allocation table. In addition, he can descend directly into the relevant data of the ERP system.
In the split view, you get an overview of the entire order network, including the dependency on bought-in parts.

The key is visualization

If everyone can understand what is being discussed, decisions can be made with confidence.

Therefore, interactive means for us not only that you, of course, as a planner, have the last word in the software, but also that you can exchange ideas with your colleagues on eye level. Therefore, etagis APS prepares the planning-relevant data of your ERP system and presents them clearly in role-related views.

To use this app, a valid license and installation of etagis APS is required. More information can be found here:
