Essence Financials CZ

izdevējs Essence Business Solutions

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Make contact management and banking easier.

The Essence Financials CZ extension of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central brings minor but very useful improvements to the basic solution.

Would you like to have smarter numbering of Contacts? Do you need to edit addresses on posted sales documents? Do you prefer to see more related documents and records in Navigate facility? 

Do you still enter payments into bank applications manually? Would you like to export payments files and import bank statements in various formats straight in Dynamics 365 Business Central?

With Essence Financials CZ, you can have the same identification number for Contact, Vendor and Customer so it is obvious at first glance that records form one entity.

Using the Person type numbering functionality your contacts will be naturally and nicely sorted one after another in pages and it would be obvious for all person type contacts which company they represent.

You can easily change addresses on posted sales documents.

You will be able to export payment order files for different banks in required formats directly from your system and then easily upload to the relevant bank applications.

You can import electronic bank statements from various bank applications in different formats. Not only this will save time re-entering payment lines manually, but it also eliminates mistakes.

Your posted lines and entries will be easier to manage and analyze when you set up BACS specific Document No.

When you use multiple bank accounts, you can set up different default Bank Account No. for every customer. The relevant default bank account will be then automatically populated for all sales documents as soon as the customer is selected.

Supported editions:

The app supports the Essentials and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. 

Supported countries:

Czech Republic

Supported languages:

This app is available in Czech and English (United States).
