Arggo Romanian SAF-T for Dynamics Business Central

izdevējs Arggo Software Development&Consulting SA

Dynamics 365 Business Central Arggo SAF-T for Romania

SAF-T is a new declaration obligation imposed on taxpayers, which represents the international standard for the electronic transfer of data from accounting and tax records between companies and tax authorities.
Currently, SAF-T has been implemented in several countries in Europe, including Romania, and the format chosen for our country is one of the most complex as it involves the reporting of all accounting, financial and tax information related to the transactions carried out by companies. Thus, depending on the category of taxpayers to which it belongs, any company will have the obligation to submit to ANAF Informative Declaration D406 the standard fiscal control file (SAF-T).

Taxpayers obliged to submit Declaration 406 and the date on which SAFT reporting becomes mandatory, depending on the categories of taxpayers:

Large taxpayers - have the obligation to submit Declaration 406 starting January 1, 2022;
Medium taxpayers - have the obligation to submit Declaration 406 starting January 1, 2023;
Small taxpayers - they have the obligation to submit Declaration 406 starting from January 1, 2025;

Arggo SAF-T it's available for Business Central but also for older version of NAV or Dynamics 365 FO - Contact us for more information.
