B2F Exchange Rate Difference Management

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B2F Exchange Rate Difference Management

B2F Exchange Rate Difference Management provides manages the exchange rate differences and helps with reconciliation between vendors and customers, and it can also help you to create purchase or sale invoices according to the balance of the exchange rate difference.
Almost every company has transactions with foreign currency. The main problem of this kind of transaction is the differences between payment and invoice with local currency. If the currency of the invoice date and payment date is different, the local currency can not be balanced. It is a standard accounting process. With B2F Exchange Rate Difference Management, you can calculate the difference, you can take a report, and send it to the customer or vendor

Advantages of B2F Exchange Rate Difference Management

  • Easy setup
  • Understandable reports that you can share with your customers or vendors
  • Creating purchase or sale invoices.
  • Shows Invoices and payments with the application.
  • Simple calculating and page functionalities

Supported Editions:

The app supports the
Essential and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business

Supported Countries:

All Countries

Supported Languages:

This app is available in
English (United States) and Turkey (Turkish)

For Pricing and more information
