Fenwick Gold Foundation Pack

izdevējs Fenwick

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A treasure trove of must-have Fenwick Gold apps to help extend your core business capabilities

A treasure trove of must-have Fenwick Gold apps to help extend your core business capabilities in Dynamics 365 Business Central, all included in one app at a discounted price.

Advanced Bank Reconciliation

Streamline your bank reconciliation process, with a simplified process of posting of bank reconciliation differences, as well as undoing reconciliations.

Advanced Default Dimensions

Improves Default Dimensions by allowing you to setup parent/child hierarchy between dimensions, and filter/edit shortcut dimensions on the list/card pages directly.

Advanced General Ledger

Enhance the usability and security of your general ledger by restricting access and improving traceability, reconciliation for your G/L accounts, and process your general journal in Excel.

Cloud Companion for Outlook
View, edit, and send emails using Outlook desktop app directly from Business Central.
Company Setup Toolkit
Initialise number series and default posting group setups with a single click. Bulk import fixed assets from a Excel file and batch update the status of multiple production BOMs and routings.
Gold Role Centers
Optimise the role-tailored experience for your users with 9 practical role centre designs.
IT Admin Toolkit
Improved data setup and maintenance for IT Administrators, including improved management for permissions and users.
Good Looking Documents
Enhance your business documentation and emailing with added formatting and functionality. Including 35 custom reports in placed of standard reports, and an in-depth emailing system that greatly expands upon the standard emailing features.
Receivables Payables
Streamline the receivables and payables process with an overview of outstanding accounts, customisable aging buckets for amounts owning, and directly send useful reports such as remittances, statements, and invoices.
Sell-to Buy-from
Easily switch between the customer and vendor details used in your sales and purchase documents, allowing you to use prices and discounts from the sell-to customers and buy-from vendors.
Advanced Prepayments
Improved methods of updating existing prepayments, including setting a prepayment amount and bulk update prepayments on sales and purchase documents. More prepayment information are also exposed for quick access.

What is Fenwick Gold?

Fenwick Gold is a suite of apps that extend base functionality in Dynamics 365 Business Central. Previously built for Dynamics NAV, we now provide this expertise via AppSource.

About Fenwick

Fenwick is a Dynamics 365 Business Central consultancy based in Melbourne, Australia. We have over 40 years' experience in the system implementation space.

Learn more about Fenwick Software:

Supported Editions

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries

All countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.

Supported Languages

