Zoom for Outlook Extension

izdevējs Zoom Video Communications, Inc

(465 vērtējumi)

Add a Zoom meeting to any Outlook calendar event.

Easily schedule and Zoom meetings to any Outlook calendar event. This Add-in requires a Basic (free) or Pro account from Sign up for free at

Zoom, the cloud meeting company, unifies mobile collaboration, cloud video conferencing and simple online meetings into one easy-to-use platform. Our solution offers the best video, audio and screen-sharing experience across Windows PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android and H.323/SIP room systems

The Zoom for Outlook Extension is designed to make scheduling a Zoom meeting within Microsoft Outlook simple. This add-in allows you to easily add a Zoom meeting to any new or existing calendar event. Simply configure your settings and the meeting URL and information is added to the body of the calendar event. To add Zoom meetings from Outlook mobile application, the Add-in must be installed by the IT admin.

Do we do more?

Zoom offers the following:

  • Unparalleled video, voice and screen sharing quality
  • Free unlimited minutes for 1-to-1 meetings and 40 minutes for group meetings
  • Paid service is only $14.99/month with unlimited minutes and meetings
  • Video gallery view to see up to 49 video streams at once
  • Full online meeting functionality, including desktop and mobile screen sharing
  • Annotations and share audio, mouse and keyboard controls
  • Free global teleconferencing
  • Interoperability between H.323/SIP room systems, desktop, tablet and mobile devices

To learn more about Zoom, please visit

Programmu iespējas

Kad šī programma tiek izmantota:
  • Tā var nosūtīt datus, izmantojot interneta savienojumu.
  • Šī programma var piekļūt aktīvajā ziņojumā iekļautajai personas informācijai, piemēram, pamattekstam, tēmai, sūtītājam, adresātiem un informācijai par pielikumiem, kā arī modificēt šo informāciju. Tā var nosūtīt šos datus trešās puses pakalpojumam. Citus vienumus jūsu pastkastē nevar lasīt un modificēt.
Šī pievienojumprogramma var palaist sevi, ja:
  • Lietotājs nosūta uzaicinājumu uz pasākumu.
