Social Change System


Delivering performance change through behavioural transformation and engagement.

The Social Change System offers organisations a proven, deployable, systematic way to steer the transformation of their organisation’s thinking and behaviours.

Transforming organisations need people to behave differently, to create a more positive future. Social Change System's easy to use one-to-one conversations, team-talks, pulse-checks, exercises, tools and techniques help leaders build their capability and confidence to effectively lead their team, by learning and taking action on what’s impacting them in their flow of work.

Leaders simply pick a card for quick help to tackle a specific issue or use the Challenge packs that bundle up all the relevant content and tools they’ll need to lead their team through an easy-to-follow process of change and improvement that they can deliver at their own pace. Challenge pack solutions include:

- Teamwork essentials. Leaders learn and develop key leadership skills to help their team members thrive.

- Hybrid working. A winning formula of routines and rituals to lead teams of people working from home and the office.

- New team. Lays the foundation for leaders to help a new team gel and do great work from day one.

- Wellbeing. Builds the psychological safety for teams to trust and support each other to perform at their best.

Easy to understand blend of positive psychology, social systems thinking, neuropsychology and applied learning practices makes it easy for leaders to:

- Boost morale by role modelling positive behaviours.

- Build trust and loyalty through open and honest communication.

- Lead teams through new ways of working.

- Create psychological safety for people to make and learn from mistakes.

Lay the foundation for sustainable long-term success.

Engage, inspire and influence people to do their best work.

In order to use this app, you must have an active subscription to the “Social Change System”, Please contact us for more details.

Programmu iespējas

Kad šī programma tiek izmantota:
  • Tā var nosūtīt datus, izmantojot interneta savienojumu.
  • Šī programma var piekļūt aktīvajā ziņojumā iekļautajai personas informācijai, piemēram, tālruņa numuriem, pasta adresēm un vietrāžiem URL. Tā var nosūtīt šos datus trešās puses pakalpojumam. Citus vienumus jūsu pastkastē nevar lasīt un modificēt.
