Workplace by bs one

izdevējs baliosoft

(5 vērtējumi)

See your workspaces, documents and tasks in the Workplace by bs one.

There are company-wide templates with functionality, the scope of which is defined by the IT solutions available to you. Convenient filter and search function, e.g. Legal Entity, Site Type, Site Location …, ensure clarity, easy and quick access to Planner, Recent Documents, OneNote and Microsoft Teams Channel.

You will find a clear sorted overview of My Workspaces, All Workspaces and Favorite Workspaces.

For installing the Workplace by bs one in Microsoft Teams you need to purchase the SharePoint Workplace product first.

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Programmu iespējas

Kad šī programma tiek izmantota:
  • Tā var nosūtīt datus, izmantojot interneta savienojumu.
  • Šī programma var piekļūt aktīvajā ziņojumā iekļautajai personas informācijai, piemēram, tālruņa numuriem, pasta adresēm un vietrāžiem URL. Tā var nosūtīt šos datus trešās puses pakalpojumam. Citus vienumus jūsu pastkastē nevar lasīt un modificēt.
