Elitmind Sustainability Hub - sustainable solution for energy management

izdevējs Elitmind SP

Sustainable IT analytics solution for management of renewable sources driven energy.

If you are looking for a solution to effectively manage energy distribution while leveraging the Microsoft Azure technology - Elitmind Sustainability Hub is here for you!
This solution blends the analytical capabilities of Azure Machine Learning with Power BI’s predictive forecasting models.

Elitmind Sustainability Hub enables real-time management and analytics of renewable sources of energy to secure appropriate energy levels for powering different business lines of the organization. It fully supports data-driven decisions based on the Azure cloud used to gather and process information from dispersed energy sources and presenting it via Power BI reports.

As both sun and wind - the basis of renewable energy solutions - are changeable, they are making power generation highly variable and dependant on multiple factors. Elitmind has proposed a solution that enables mitigation of fluctuations of renewable sources of energy, by establishing a network of warehouses that absorbs excess energy and releases it when power is needed.
The solution uses Azure Machine Learning forecasting algorithms to accurately predict spikes in demand, which helps balance fluctuating energy levels. It facilitates the stabilization of renewable power grid and makes predicting the energy demand possible. This includes dashboards showing accurate price forecasts based on pricing trends in conjunction with power loads and other factors. It translates the obtained data into insights that enable to make the right business decisions and push sustainability further.
Thanks to Microsoft Azure, your organization can collect, manage, process, and analyze data from various sources and review it through a user-friendly Power BI dashboard.

Elitmind Sustainability Hub solution is aiming at:

•Managing green energy levels and distribution countrywide using Azure Machine Learning capabilities
•Accessing solar and wind energy production forecasts via Power BI dashboards
