Insurity Marine Suite

izdevējs Insurity

Purpose-built marine cargo insurance administration and management software

Insurity Marine Suite

Insurity Marine Suite is the market leader with the most comprehensive, purpose-built software available, issuing nearly 4 million certificates annually from over 100,000 insurers, brokers, freight forwarders, and shippers worldwide.

Manage cargo cover certificates for global shipping logistics

Lower costs, make better decisions, and provide a more responsive customer experience throughout the process of managing marine cargo shipments.

  • Built for Marine Cargo

    Give your underwriters the data they need to make the right underwriting decisions. Using integrations with all critical data sources and systems, underwriters gain a more complete picture of risk with account-level views that allow multiple insurance products to be underwritten together.

  • Global Reach

    Automate routine underwriting decisions with a configurable rules engine that automatically processes or auto-declines straightforward risks. Minimize the time underwriters spend sifting through data sources and switching between systems by bringing all data together for efficient processing.

  • Ultimate Compliance

    Drive efficiency with collaborative workflows that give underwriting teams visibility at every step of the process. Eliminate the need for back-and-forth communication with rules-triggered email and text message reminders, so information flows friction-free for faster turnaround and responsiveness.

  • In-depth Analysis

    Collect information into a single platform, regardless of where your data comes from. Easy-to-use APIs enable you to import data from any third-party provider, scoring engine, or other system. Event-based webhooks automatically notify systems when new data is needed.

Why Insurity Marine Suite?

Manage your cargo logistics from a single application for faster responsiveness, higher efficiency and lower costs.

  • Improve Service and Speed

    Boost efficiency through batch issuance for brokers and underwriters, with all certificates issued in accordance with the policy terms and conditions, including automatic premium adjustment.

  • Understand portfolio performance

    Gain a holistic view of your business with centralized data and flexible reporting tools that support analysis across policyholders, policies, shipments, storage declaration, and storage activity.

  • Minimize administration costs

    Easily manage policies through customizable workflows for data capture, coverage information, and referrals. Seamless integration with Insurity’s Bridge Specialty Suite offers complete customization and program management.

  • Leverage integrated billing

    Improve cash flow and provide transparency for invoicing, payments, and receivables with automated premium billing and accounting. Offer flexibility to customers with fully-supported invoicing based on a number of different values.
