Viva Goals Business Transformation: 3-month implementation


Create a culture of focus and alignment with our OKR goal-setting framework that keeps priorities top of mind for every team member

Microsoft Viva Goals Consulting Service

Our vision is for Viva Goals to enable organizations to:
  • Create clarity and alignment– to ensure everyone in the organization is focused on the top priorities and clearly understand why their work matters – how they are helping to move the needle.
  • To shift focus, as a team, from effort and activity to impact and outcomes
  • All while staying in the flow of work and in the tools teams are familiar with and use to drive results
  • Agenda

  • Month 1: Communicate the concept and benefits of OKRs while securing buy-in from senior executives, addressing their concerns.
  • Month 2: Assess current goal-setting practices, collaborate to design customized OKR framework, plan deployment, train users, and ensure a smooth Viva Goals platform launch.
  • Month 3: Implement progress tracking, evaluate goal achievement, measure effectiveness, and promote a culture of continuous improvement in goal-setting and performance management
  • Outcome

  • Demonstrate the value of OKRs and build internal buy-in
  • A process for tracking and evaluating progress toward goals  
  • Train your people on setting meaningful and impactful OKRs  
  • Establish a culture of continuous improvement around goal alignment and accountability  
  • ※terms, conditions, and pricing are custom to each engagement

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