Viva Goals Deployment : 4-Wk implementation


Take your Organization's OKR process to the next level with Viva Goals, optimize your goal-setting process and achieve your objectives faster than ever before

Microsoft Viva Goals Consulting Service

Our vision is for Viva Goals to enable organizations to:
  • Create clarity and alignment– to ensure everyone in the organization is focused on the top priorities and clearly understand why their work matters – how they are helping to move the needle.
  • To shift focus, as a team, from effort and activity to impact and outcomes
  • All while staying in the flow of work and in the tools teams are familiar with and use to drive results
  • Agenda

  • Week 1~2:Initiate project with kick-off meeting to introduce Viva Goals, and assess existing OKR process
  • Week 3: Configure and launch Viva Goals platform, ensure smooth organization-wide transition.
  • Week 4: Deliver continuous support to monitoring for successful OKR adoption and enable organizations to focus on core business
  • Outcome

  • Demonstrate the value of OKRs and build internal buy-in
  • Implement Viva Goals software and onboard users
  • Enhanced goal alignment with transparency 
  • Access to real-time data and insights on goal progress.  
  • ※terms, conditions, and pricing are custom to each engagement

    At a glance