Teams Voice setup: 5d implementation

Generation-e Productivity Solutions Pty Ltd

Teams Voice deployment for organisations with everything needed for a successful rollout.

Microsoft Teams calling specifically designed for your personalised workspace Microsoft Teams Voice is the leader in unified communications standards and essential for the new way of work! The deployment of Microsoft Phone System will progress quickly. Generation-e will work to understand your need then configure Microsoft Teams based on the desired outcomes. Generation-e will also deploy Voice Auto Attendants and Call Queues. During the rollout, Generation-e will have dedicated technical resources available to support you on the day you ‘go live’ to ensure you get any support you need in the fastest possible time. Generation-e will work with you to find the best selection of certified headset and handset devices to meet your business requirements. Generation-e provides one train the trainer session as part of this offer but we recommend full user training to ensure the successful adoption and maximum benefit of Microsoft Teams Voice for your people.

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