Business and Technology Alignment

TechPath Pty Ltd

TechPath’s IT audit service TechAlign helps increase productivity and improve team experience. It is designed to give businesses a clear understanding of where they stand when it comes to technology.

TechAlign takes a detailed look at how IT fits in with business plans and how employees utilise technology systems. It pinpoints any risks and potential cost savings, while highlighting opportunities that can transform daily operations utilising Microsoft products.

How Can TechAlign Help?

Our process involves an in-depth analysis of people, technology, and strategy. We talk not only to key stakeholders about company direction and future goals, but to team members about their daily processes and any IT challenges that may be preventing them from performing at their best.

By engaging all departments in your IT journey, you gain greater insights and more successful business outcomes.

‘When productivity at every level of the business is at its best, that is when it thrives.'

Who Is Suited To An IT Audit?

Inefficient IT systems are one of the most frustrating problems encountered in the workplace. Reviews can often identify where minor adjustments could prevent the need for substantial expenditure. From experience, we have found that audits provide the most value to a business when they are: • Looking for a ‘whole of business’ approach from their IT partner • Seeking a fresh approach to help them use technology more effectively • Making strategic changes such as moving to the cloud • Looking to identify areas of risk to ensure business continuity • Planning budget expenditure for future projects • Not happy with their current IT provider or technology situation

Why TechPath?

TechPath integrates Microsoft services to deliver high-quality IT solutions that make businesses more successful We are passionate about understanding the needs and business goals of our customers so we can truly align with them, to help them achieve more.

• Outstanding customer experience • We understand business • No lock in contracts

What’s Included?

TechAlign makes recommendations that support your people and your business by aligning technology to your company’s strategic goals and internal processes. The elements included can vary according to your specific environment and needs, but typically include:

• Security fundamentals • Server performance and backups • Software licensing • Storage capability and suitability • Hardware age and warranty • Disaster recovery

How We Can Utilise Microsoft Products?

Microsoft 365 Integration: TechAlign seamlessly integrates with Microsoft 365, allowing us to evaluate and optimise your organisation's productivity suite. We assess how well your teams are utilising tools like Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and other collaborative applications.

Azure Cloud Solutions: For businesses undergoing strategic changes such as migrating to the cloud, TechAlign leverages Microsoft Azure services. We analyse the readiness of your infrastructure for cloud adoption, identifying opportunities for efficiency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

Security with Microsoft Defender: Our audit includes a thorough examination of security fundamentals. TechAlign utilises Microsoft Defender to enhance the security posture of your systems. We identify potential vulnerabilities, recommend security measures, and ensure that your organisation's data is protected against evolving threats.

Server Performance and Backups with Windows Server: We evaluate both on premise and cloud server performance to assess the reliability of your servers, and where we can optimise performance, and ensure that backup systems are robust and aligned with best practices.

Software Licensing Management: TechAlign scrutinises your Microsoft software licensing landscape, ensuring compliance and cost-effectiveness to provide recommendations on optimising your software investments while meeting licensing requirements.

Data Storage Solutions with Azure Storage: Storage capability and suitability are crucial aspects of our audit. Should you already be using Azure or looking to migrate, TechAlign will evaluate your data storage needs, recommending solutions that align with your business requirements in terms of capacity, performance, and scalability.

Hardware Assessment: Assessing hardware age and warranty status is an integral part of our audit. TechAlign analyses your servers and workstations to ensure hardware is up-to-date, covered by appropriate warranties and compatible with the latest technologies such as Windows 11.

Disaster Recovery Planning: Disaster recovery planning is a key component of our service. TechAlign will assess both your on premise and Microsoft cloud data to provide recommendations to enhance your disaster recovery capabilities, ensuring business continuity in the face of unforeseen events.

By incorporating Microsoft services into TechAlign, we deliver a comprehensive IT audit that not only identifies areas of improvement but also provides actionable recommendations for aligning technology with your strategic goals. Audit prices start from $2,990 ex GST and are determined by the size and complexity of your network.

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