ManualMate - 1 week project


ManualMate, A 1 week project to get instant access to technical documentation

ManualMate revolutionizes technical consultation by providing instant, AI-driven access to technical manuals and expert systems. Our service is designed to:

  • Deliver instant responses to technical queries, thus reducing downtime and increasing productivity.
  • Setup a Prototype with a selected set of manuals to demonstrate the value of our solution.
  • Offer detailed outlines on using ManualMate for efficient troubleshooting and learning.

Streamline your technical queries with ManualMate: Save time and boost efficiency by asking questions rather than searching for answers in complex sets of documentation.

ManualMate is a state-of-the-art expert system equipped to decipher technical manuals and provide precise information on demand. In industries where time is critical, ManualMate stands as an essential tool, turning hours of manual research into seconds of digital inquiry, thus addressing the challenges of information overload and manual data retrieval.

How it works: We are setting up a prototype of ManualMate in one week. This can be set up on our environment or on the environment of the customer, depending on the availability of Microsoft 365 resources.

Phase 1 - Day 1:

  • Kick-off meeting with stakeholders
  • Selecting scope for ManualMate
  • Setting up the foundations of our prototype Deliverables:
  • Project plan documents
  • Initial list of Documents
  • Foundation layer in Microsoft 365 Platform Resources: Project Manager + AI/ML Engineers

Phase 2 - Day 2:

  • Indexing the documentation
  • Initial testing Deliverables:
  • Working prototype of ManualMate
  • Test plan and results Resources: Development Team + QA Engineers

Phase 3 - Day 3:

  • Integration of bot in a Teams environment
  • Refinement of bot responses Deliverables:
  • Integrated ManualMate ready for business testing
  • Updated documentation Resources: Development Team + AI/ML Engineers + QA Engineers + Technical Support staff

Phase 4 - Day 4:

  • Pilot implementation
  • Collection of feedback and adjustments
  • Implementation roadmap for production go-live Deliverables:
  • Fully functional ManualMate prototype
  • Training materials and session recordings
  • Final project report
  • Implementation roadmap Resources: Project Manager + Development Team + QA Engineers

Target Audience:

  • Technical Support Teams: Professionals who provide first-line support and need quick access to technical information to assist customers with issues.
  • Field Service Technicians: Those who are on the ground handling installations, repairs, and maintenance of equipment and need to consult technical guidelines on the spot.
  • Engineers: Engineers across disciplines such as mechanical, electrical, civil, and software may need to reference standards, codes, and detailed technical documentation.
  • Manufacturing Operatives: Individuals in manufacturing settings who must adhere to precise specifications and operational procedures detailed in technical manuals.
  • Quality Assurance Analysts: Professionals who ensure that products and services meet the necessary technical specifications and standards by consulting detailed guidelines and manuals.
  • Training and Development Managers: Those responsible for the professional development of staff can use ManualMate to streamline training processes and provide up-to-date information.

Verticals where ManualMate might be relevant:

  • Aerospace & Defense
  • Medical Device Companies
  • Automotive Industry Professionals
  • Maritime and Shipping Operators
  • Energy & Utilities

Pricing - 1 week prototype:
€ 12.500 (when set up on the customers environment) € 9.000 (when set up on our environment)

At a glance