Data Lakehouse 40 Day Kickstart Offer

Dimensional Strategies Inc

Experience a comprehensive data transformation with our 40-day package. Perfect for organizations aiming to delve deeper into Power BI, create interactive dashboards, and implement advanced models

Offer Includes:

• Comprehensive Data Assessment and Strategy: Develop a tailored data strategy to guide your analytics journey • Source Data Ingestion: Ingest data from your Source systems into your Fabric OneLake House • OneLake Data cleansing: Cleanse ingested data from source systems into queryable data artifacts • OneLake Data curation: Curate cleansed source data into data artifacts aligned to your business needs and goals • Data Modeling: Create essential data models to enable basic reporting and visualization. • Advanced Data Preparation: Clean, transform, and model your data for more sophisticated analysis. • Interactive Dashboards: Create interactive visualizations and dashboards using Power BI that drive insightful decisions. • Advanced Analytics: Incorporate advanced Power BI features like calculated columns, measures, and DAX calculations. • User Training: Equip your team with advanced Power BI/Fabric skills for ongoing success.

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