Microsoft Purview eDiscovery POC (7 Day)

Epiq Global

7-Day eDiscovery POC demonstrating in depth standard & premium capabilities of Microsoft Purview components

This offering is geared toward Microsoft Purview customers who are looking to gain an in-depth, hands on understanding of Microsoft Purview Standard & Premium eDiscovery capabilities. Epiq delivers a 7 day eDiscovery POC to drive proof-of-value, gap execution, and demonstrate standard & premium capabilities of Microsoft Purview eDiscovery components.

This in depth Proof of Concept focuses on Microsoft Purview eDiscovery and will cover the following topics over the course of 7 Days:

• In depth demonstration of Standard and Premium eDiscovery features and capabilities of Microsoft Purview • Designing and conducting Standard eDiscovery Lab Work • Exploring further into Premium eDiscovery Case Creation, Settings, Custodians and communications. • Utilization of the software and go forward workflow process

Key outcomes include case creation, discovery, data classification, legal holds and legal hold notification, data review and export.

Subject to funding eligibility requirements.

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