ESG Materiality Assessment for Microsoft Sustainability Manager - 6 Week Assessment


Understand what ESG topics are most important for your company to fully maximize capabilities of Microsoft Sustainability Manager.

Protiviti offers a set of different methods to assess the Sustainability & ESG performance of our clients in virtually all industries, to determine whether requirements or objectives are being met and, if not, what steps should be taken to meet them.

Protiviti believes that sustainability is a continuous journey, presenting risks and opportunities. There are no blueprints or out-of-the-box solutions, and each company needs an individualized approach to ESG reporting and operations.

Activities to be Completed:

  • Research and compile material issues terminology from various data sources
  • Identify terms that best represent material issues relevant to your company and establish common language
  • Gather stakeholder information via surveys and interviews
  • Compile data from surveys and interviews for analysis, findings, and recommendations
  • Create an ESG Materiality Matrix based on stakeholder response data. Assign ownership and action items for each high priority material topic


  • Internal and external stakeholder mapping
  • Common language and definitions
  • ESG Material Topic Survey
  • Analysis of survey and interview results
  • Key findings in both a summary and visual map format
  • ESG Materiality Matrix
  • Recommendation for next steps and assignment of internal owners

Note: Microsoft Sustainability Manager licensing fees not included

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