Sustainability/ESG Data Availability and Intro to Azure: 4-Week Assessment

World Wide Technology

Geared towards organizations who have decided to measure their GHG emissions and are unsure where to start or if they have enough relevant data.

WWT combines deep technology experience, business knowledge and ESG expertise to help map out relevant sources of data from different sources to measure scope 1 and 2 emissions. The assessment would further unpack scope 3 measurement by identifying categories relevant and material along with tracking data sources that could be used to measure them. This engagement includes a personalized walk-through of Microsoft Sustainability Manager and discovery of utilizing Azure data lake functionalities or other data integrations relevant to your organization.
Based on the findings, a roadmap would be developed for an integrated data ecosystem for quick and easy Sustainability reporting.

Outcome • Roadmap for scope 1,2 and 3 measurement
• Mapping of scope 3 categories which are relevant and material to your firm • High-level data availability map to measure scope 1,2, and relevant scope 3 categories • Introduction to Microsoft Sustainability Manager and an assessment of data integrations possible within the tool • Roadmap to improve the access and retrieval of relevant data for emissions calculations and regulatory reports using Microsoft Sustainability Manager and Azure

Pricing - *Prices vary based on the company´s size and requirements

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