Latvian Salary
Calculate salary and make tax reporting according with Latvian regulatory requirements
Managing payroll doesn’t have to be complex. Latvian Salary is a flexible, reliable, and fully integrated payroll module for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Automate salary calculations, taxes, and social contributions - while reducing manual effort and the risk of errors. Experience a streamlined payroll process that frees up time for strategic tasks, ensuring you stay compliant with the latest regulations.
Here is simple but powerful module that can manage all salary (or payroll) calculations and reporting.
With Latvian Salary, you can:
- Store comprehensive employee data in one secure place.
- Streamline calendars and timesheets in a single, easy-to-use interface.
- Generate payroll calculations for each period at the click of a button.
- Prepare and submit electronic reports that meet Latvian regulatory requirements.
We value your input! If you come across any suggestions or features that could enhance your experience with our app, please feel free to reach out. Your feedback is essential to us, and we welcome any ideas that can contribute to making our app even better for you.
Algu aprēķina modulis Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central sistēmai palīdzēs jums automatizēt visus ar algas aprēķināšanu un personāla administrēšanu saistītos procesus. Mūsu risinājums nodrošina savlaicīgu un pareizu algas, nodokļu un maksājumu aprēķinu, kā arī atvieglo dokumentu apriti.
- Glabāt visaptverošus darbinieku datus drošā un ērtā vidē.
- Pārvaldīt kalendārus un darba laika uzskaites vienotā, lietotājam draudzīgā saskarnē.
- Veikt algu aprēķinus katram periodam ar vienu klikšķi.
- Sagatavot un iesniegt elektroniskos pārskatus, kas atbilst Latvijas normatīvajām prasībām.
Supported Editions:
This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Supported Languages:
The app is available in Latvian (Republic of Latvia) and English (United States).