DaIM Umwelt
av Indevo GmbH
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Umweltmanagement/Environmentalmanagement, -implementing and -reports from a single source for Q HSE
Note - DaIM Umwelt/Environment is an integral part of the modular DaIM solutions for management systems quality, environment, information security, occupational health and safety, energy and sustainability.
Testdrive - You can test all DaIM functions and modules in the preferred DaIM overall solution in the appsource!
DaIM Environment supports the planning, control, monitoring and improvement of all operational measures for the protection of the environment and
environmentally oriented corporate management. With DaIM® you increase
legal certainty in the company, reduce pollutants, avoid environmental pollution
and demonstrably reduce accident and liability risks. DaIM Environment contains specific extensions for your environmental management system according to ISO 14001 or other implemented environmental standards.
Specific functions in environmental management systems
- Environmental event - Learning can be made from environmental events and critical situations that have occurred. For this purpose, all events and critical situations must be recorded and evaluated. The feedback to the risk assessment (risk management) and to the environmental aspect assessment is mandatory. Necessary notifications are provided automatically - with all required data.
- Waste - In the waste register, all waste quantities generated are systematically recorded according to key numbers. DaIM helps you to automatically record and evaluate the waste disposal records. The statistics are generated without any additional effort (review).
- Permits - All permits and resulting measures (measures management) are monitored in a permit register. Compliance with deadlines is supported via individual workflows.
- Hazardous substances - Maintaining a standard-compliant hazardous substances register forms the basis for safe handling of hazardous substances. The integrated document management system ensures that safety data sheets and operating instructions are up to date and have the required integrity.
- Environmental balance sheet - All environmentally relevant substances are clearly compiled and evaluated in environmental balance sheets.
- Environmental aspect evaluation - All environmentally relevant substances are clearly compiled and evaluated in environmental balance sheets.
- Maintain user-friendly hazardous materials register and transparency on quantities
and storage locations
- Up-to-date dashboards on waste volumes and recycling rates
- Identify critical areas and monitor on an ongoing basis
- Ensure compliance through resubmissions and deadline adherence
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