Dual-write Supply Chain solution
av Microsoft Dynamics 365
Enables data integration between Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management and Microsoft Dataverse
The Dual-write Supply Chain package works in conjunction with the Dual-write core solution package to provide data integration between Microsoft Dataverse and Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. The combined solution enables organizations to write and store Supply Chain Management data natively in Dataverse, thereby making the data available for use with the integration and extensibility options provided by the Power Platform.
This solution version provides specific updates to Sales quotation lifecycle management and pricing for integration with Dynamics 365 Sales. The solution is compatible with Supply Chain Management version 10.0.32, but requires Supply Chain Management 10.0.34 or later to benefit from all the features for Dynamics 365 Sales integration available in Supply Chain Management version 10.0.34. Do not upgrade to this solution if you are running Supply Chain Management version 10.0.31 or older.
Dual-write provides tightly coupled, bidirectional integration between finance and operations apps (such as Supply Chain Management) and the Dataverse platform, which makes the data available to model-driven apps and customer engagement apps such as Dynamics 365 Sales. While the Dual-write core solution package provides the infrastructure, the Dual-write Supply Chain solution package adds the mappings and other elements required to support Supply Chain Management features like quote to cash, on-hand inventory lookup, access to ATP date, and more (see also the Dual-write Supply Chain documentation).
Note: This package requires the following four packages to be installed as a prerequisite.
- Dual-write Application Core Solutions package
- Dual-write Finance package
- Dual-write Human Resources package
- Dynamics 365 HR Common Tables