Engagy Comms Management Hub

av Engagy P.S.A.

Improve your SharePoint Based Intranet with specialized editorial and Management Platform

Do you find it challenging to create a SharePoint portal on your own, spending hours seeking inspiration? Are you keen on unlocking the full potential of your intranet? Are you searching for a seamless and effective method to govern your internal communication? Engagy Comms Management Hub is here to assist. Get ready to reap the full benefits of your internal communication!

Engagy Comms Management Hub is a platform designed to facilitate the creation, expansion, and management of your SharePoint Online Intranet Portals. With its built-in template management system, generating new Intranet areas becomes straightforward and organized. Through a single form, new sites are created, automatically provisioned, and configured. Site owners can effortlessly populate these sites with actual content using a convenient post-provision to-do list.

Moreover, Engagy Comms Management Hub offers a ready-to-use information governance framework. Portal owners can delegate the creation of new sites to selected users and approve their requests. Additionally, site owners can motivate their editors to maintain up-to-date content through automatic reminders, fostering a sense of trust among end users.

Editors can also take advantage of a dedicated editorial zone, where they can access all tasks assigned to them along with a list of articles they've authored. There's no need to sift through vast and scattered portals; all the necessary information is conveniently located in one place.

With Engagy Comms Management Hub, portal owners can confidently maintain the appropriate level of quality for their intranets. The information governance feature proactively prompts editors to update content, while the Score Cards system enables auditing of pages for potential misconfigurations and errors. Integration with web analytics services provides insights into detailed portal usage, allowing for responsive actions. Additionally, the Send Feedback feature, accessible to end users, empowers editors to implement necessary changes based on user suggestions.

Engagy Comms Management Hub includes a feature that enables you to periodically recertify the membership of site owners and editors groups. This feature addresses the common issue of 'sharing and forgetting,' where permission setups are seldom updated when individuals no longer hold specific roles, potentially introducing security threats. With the implementation of membership recertification policies, site owners ensure that the current group of users is accurately represented, mitigating such risks.

Benefit Summary

  • Effortless Portal Creation and Maintenance: Engagy Comms Management Hub streamlines the process of creating and managing SharePoint Online Intranet Portals. Its built-in template management system simplifies the generation of new areas, ensuring organization and efficiency.

  • In-depth Analytics Integration: Integration with analytics services, such as Google Analytics or Microsoft Clarity, provides comprehensive insights into portal usage, empowering administrators to make data-driven decisions and optimize portal performance.

  • Enhanced Information Quality: The platform's information governance framework and automatic reminders ensure that content remains up-to-date, fostering a culture of quality and reliability within the intranet.

  • Reduced Administrative Burden: With automated provisioning and configuration of new sites, along with membership recertification policies, administrative tasks are significantly reduced, allowing teams to focus on more strategic initiatives.

  • Boosted End-User Trust: Automatic reminders and a dedicated editorial zone motivate editors to maintain high-quality content, leading to increased trust among end users in the reliability and relevance of the information provided.

  • Improved Security: Membership recertification policies address security risks associated with outdated permissions, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive information, thus enhancing overall intranet security.

Get in touch with us

Don't hesitate to reach out! Whether you have questions, feedback, or just want to chat, feel free to contact us anytime at our website.

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