An easy-to-use forecasting API with high accuracy and flexible customization.
Forekast is a prediction/forecasting service that gets time series data and produce real time feedback on what’s going to happen in the next interval to boost your business.
It can predict what will be sold or what would be consumed ahead. So that companies could easily plan ahead.
Originally, developed as a sales forecasting model for a fast-food giant in Turkey and achieved the best results among contestants and based on the demand in the market, became a product.
Forekast can serve hourly, daily or custom interval predictions without a need for statistics or software background. It also could be customized by additional dimensions.
HIGH ACCURACYFrom the beginning you can enjoy the accuracy rates over %90. It will continuously improve itself with state-of-the art machine learning models and getting feedback from the actual values.
EASY USAGEThere is no need for expertise on statistics, machine learning or econometrics. Just upload your history and get the future.
FLEXIBLE & ADAPTIVEIt can be used with any time frame like weekly, daily, hourly and even minutely! You can customize the model by giving extra information like location.
A REAL LIFE CASE- Over 100 unique products
- Training on the 3 years sales data
- Error rate less than %18
- Big fast food company with 100s of stores
- Real-time forecasting of the sales with 15 minute granularity