Enterprise Data Marketplace
av Lingaro
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Empower business users with consumer-like data tools to drive actionable insights
The Enterprise Data Marketplace Platform enables the connection of various sources of data, both online and offline, and ensures that data is accessible to every employee in an organization.
While marketers, analysts, and executives need data to make business decisions, often they are unable to find the right data in one place. With the Enterprise Data Marketplace Platform, individuals with all levels of project ownership and responsibility can access data to support their decision-making.
Empower business users with consumer-like tools to manage and discover data as well as drive actionable insightsUNLEASH THE DATA
Ensure data is available to all employeesCONSUMER-LIKE USAGE
Empower everyone to understand and analyze their dataBuilding blocks
- User Data Entry Tool - Connect both online and offline data so it can be available to everyone
- Intelligent Data Management - Make data trustworthy and secure
- Data Catalog - Ensure that data is accessible to every employee in your organization
- One Stop Portal – A user-friendly analytics platform allowing fast access to necessary insights
Business Benefits
- Create and manage datasets or perform any kind of data import/export to a database without involving IT experts
- Increase data quality by providing instant checks on uploaded data
- Eliminate multiple versions of the same datasets
- Democratize data by providing a centralized source for any user to find and access data
- Empower business users to make better decisions and add more value with self-service business analytics platforms
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