Intelligent Store - Behavior Triggers


Communication one-to-one between retail and their customers

The company offers a complete suite of intelligence tools, in the Software as a Service (SAAS) model, that can be integrated with API or with front end.

The Intelligent Store suite provide tools to a eficiente comunication between retail online and cutomers. This way is possible to personalize the business for each cliente.

Behavior Triggers
The Behavior Triggers tool allow the retail to keep the effective communication with their customers. Based on personalized actions due to their behavior and interests, with the objective of reactivate and/or speed up the buyer's journey.

In short:

  • Setup of rules to send messages;
  • Messages personalized with dynamic content;

Diversity of triggers:

  • Browsing abandonment;
  • Price reduction;
  • Recapture;
  • Similar products available;
  • Shopping cart abandonment;
  • Billet retrieval;
  • Card retrieval;
  • Recurrence;
  • Trends;
  • Re-engagement

"Incentive your client to keep in their purchase, offering assertive incentives on each moment of their journey, with credibility and individuality."

(This app is available only in Portuguese)

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