
AdopIT, powered by

Professionalizing your helpdesk by adding functional Microsoft 365 knowledge and a customer-friendly attitude

Improved support results in an organization with better digital skills Does your helpdesk have a good reputation, meeting client satisfaction targets? Are your helpdesk staff capable of answering functional user questions on the use of Microsoft 365, first-time-right? And are the Q&As captured, analyzed and shared? A professional helpdesk has so much value to add to the digital readiness of an organization – and to people’s positive attitude towards IT too. So we train helpdesks to improve performance by providing the latest Microsoft 365 knowledge and improving support processes. And, most important, by working on a customer-friendly attitude.

How does it work? We do an intake with the helpdesk manager and staff, to measure the level of knowledge and to determine the learning needs. We then review support scripts, and work on reporting and on collecting and capturing Q&As. Then we train Microsoft 365 knowledge as well as customer treatment, on the job. Your helpdesk staff will enjoy their work more and client satisfaction will increase. Most importantly, the digital skills of your organization will improve.

Example timeline training: Week 1: Intake interviews staff and management. Week 2: Capturing live Q&A on existing helpdesk Week 3: Training and guiding on the go Week 4: Training and guiding on the go

We will deliver report and advise on next steps after training is complete.

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