Power BI Sales Dashboard: 5-Day Implementation


Do you need a fast and accurate way to track your sales? Microsoft Power BI is the best way to achieve this.

Our team of BI Specialists offer a Power BI set up that will allow you to make smarter decisions based on data, and be more reactive to current trends or events relevant to your market.


Sales dashboard built following the DAR principle:

  • Dashboard: The dashboard page gives an overview of the most important information with less interactivity and functionality. It is mostly to help users scan for status updates.
  • Analysis: Analysis pages are more interactive, they help users explore their data and look for answers to questions they may have formed on the dashboard page.
  • Report: Reporting pages give the most granular information with lots of tabular data and should ultimately lead to action.


To get a clear view of the required data and specific needs of the end user we would start with a short analysis where we will take a deeper dive into your organization.

Technical Analysis
With the help of technical staff, who have a clear understanding of the current data architecture, we will map the necessary data connections.
This way we will have a clear view on how to access the data and connect it to Power BI in order to integrate it seamlessly in the current dataflow.

Business Analysis
With the help of end users, we will zoom into your reporting needs. We will start by looking at your current reporting method to find out what the goal of these reports are, what works?, what doesn’t?, which elements get used more often?, which elements are redundant?, what are missing elements?, what are your KPI’s?, what are your priorities?.
After the workshop we will prepare a mock up using all the information we gathered from the end users.


The standard price of 4.250 EUR could vary based on:

  • The amount of data sources
  • The complexity of the data model
  • The transformations on this source data
  • The amount of pages in the report

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