Cloud Security Assessment - 2 Week Assessment and Roadmap


Gain insight into your current cloud security posture leveraging Microsoft and proprietary tools to provide a roadmap to improvement.

Whether you've been managing your cloud security within Microsoft 365 for years or are taking over your tenant's security management as part of a new role, understanding where your security posture is today and the paths forward is paramount to improving your security posture.

A CloudServus Cloud Security Assessment offers insights into your Azure Active Directory, Microsoft 365 and Azure environments with an actionable roadmap to improve your cloud security posture. The assessment leverages tools already built into the Microsoft Defender platform to monitor and assess the following:

  • Identity and Access Audits
  • Data and Storage
  • Threat Protection
  • Risky User Behavior
  • Shadow IT
  • Regulatory Standards
  • Compliance

This assessment will provide a comprehensive review of your existing cloud environment including: security and compliance status; best practice review; insight on risky activity and potential data leakage; and next steps to improve your Azure/Microsoft 365 security posture.


  • Security Posture Review Detailing Security Posture of:
    • Microsoft 365
    • Azure
    • Azure Active Directory
  • Executive Summary Outlining
    • High Priority Issues requiring your team's attention
    • Actionable Next Steps with associated:
      • Issue Description
      • End User Impact
      • Level of Effort (policy change, internal attention, consultation etc.)


  • Week 1: 1 Hour Project Kickoff and Alignment Call
    • Grant CloudServus Access
    • Discuss Goals of Engagement
    • Review your areas of concern
  • Week 1-2: CloudServus Consultant investigation (no time commitment from customer required)
  • Week 2: Project Delivery
    • Security Posture Review Walk-Through
    • Executive Summary Discussion
    • Remediation Planning

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