Microsoft 365 Data oversharing report: 5-D Implementation and consulting


Comprehensive Insights: Get a holistic overview of your environment and uncover overshared sites, documents, and items without the need for expensive Microsoft 365 E5 licenses.

Our Microsoft 365 Data Oversharing Report is designed to prepare organizations to use Copilot for Microsoft 365 securely and compliantly, and to provide organizations with a comprehensive data management solution even if they do not plan to use Copilot and only have an E3 subscriptions.

In today’s digital landscape, effective data governance is crucial for maintaining the integrity, security, and compliance of your organization’s information. Preventing data oversharing is essential to protect sensitive information and ensure that only authorized personnel have access to critical data. Our custom-developed tools for Microsoft 365 provide a robust solution for discovering and governing your data, empowering you to manage your information seamlessly. With our tools, you can achieve comprehensive data governance without the need for costly Microsoft 365 E5 licenses, making it a cost-effective choice for your organization. Unlock the full potential of your data with our innovative solutions and safeguard your business against data breaches and compliance risks.

  • Are you wondering if your Microsoft 365 environment is configured securely and is not exposed to data risks?
  • Are you wondering if Sharepoint site owners are using them properly?
  • Are you wondering if sensitive data has been shared outside your organization?
  • Are you wondering if sensitive documents have been shared with too wide a group of internal users?
If the answer to at least one of the above questions is "yes", do not wait any longer, just order our services and see what the condition of your environment really looks like!

Following an initial assessment, we will provide you our software, install it, customize if necessary and guide you how to use it properly on a daily basis. Next, we will check together Microsoft 365 tenant and Sharepoint sites configuration and delve into areas which may be overshared and overexposed. You will gain the holistic overview of your environment and possibly overshared sites, documents and items. At the end, you will receive a recommendation from us on what should be changed to make the environment more secure. Even though our consulting will come to the end, our reporting tool will stay with you forever and you will be able to use them as often as you want and need.

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