door NLSQL
Natural Language to SQL API, which provides an intuitive interface to the company data
NLSQL is RPA BI technology, which helps company employees to get information quickly and easily using only Natural Language. Intuitive Natural Language Interface helps end-users to query information using unstructured human requests. It provides to make data-driven business decisions and drive businesses forward faster. NLSQL supports data visualization using matplotlib python library and all Structured Query Language clauses.
NLSQL has officially certified solution for SAP, available for installation from SAP App Center.
For integration with your company databases, NLSQL requires 3 simple steps to be completed:
1. Send database schema file to
2. Provide your company KPIs description and instructions on how you calculate it now
3. Setup API, which replies True/False/Buttons based on our instructions
NLSQL doesn’t require transfer any confidential or sensitive information.
NLSQL features:
1. The most relevant questions suggestions for the end-user to start. First samples of questions are being generated as per users' requests history by ML model. It provides new users insights for the most useful questions from colleagues inside your company. Best practice sharing between experienced employees and newcomers with the most useful questions to the system.
2. Data visualization. NLSQL provides data visualization, that provides employees to share graphs, charts or dashboards to groups or personal teams accounts.
3. Information access control. NLSQL can identify the user by his Teams id and provide only that information, that the user allowed to get.
4. KPIs forecast. Forecast of main KPIs is available with basic statistical methods as per actual business needs.
5. Suggestion engine. Available on the mobile application or web-based interface. Suggestions help end-users to formulate questions more precise. No special staff training required as a suggestion engine is intuitive the same as using Google
6. API integration. NLSQL can be integrated into existing web services in order to proceed with any changes in corporate systems.
NLSQL benefits:
1. Turn-around-time decrease (up to 80%) for business decision
2. Cost reduction net 30% - 60% per cognitive automated process
3. Increase quality by avoiding human errors
4. BI text interface which is intuitively
5. Capacity can be increased - without long build-up phase
6. Non-stop performance - no queues at peak
7. Employees do not waste any capacity for routine tasks
8. Avoiding human fraud, easily performed Control & Compliance checks
Mogelijkheden van de app
- Gegevens via internet verzenden
- Deze app heeft toegang tot de persoonlijke gegevens van het actieve bericht, zoals telefoonnummers, postadressen en URL's. De app kan deze gegevens verzenden naar een service van derden. Andere items in uw postvak kunnen niet worden gelezen of gewijzigd.