Employee Onboarding Software for Outlook
door Beyond Technologies
Employee Onboarding extension for Microsoft Outlook to manage tasks without opening the web.
The Employee Onboarding SharePoint add-in is the most complete add-in to manage onboardings and offboarding whilst keeping everyone in the look informed and updated. You can, however, make small enhancements to your Employee Onboarding add-in experience by downloading a small add-in for Microsoft Outlook which will let you get an overview of all the tasks using Microsoft Outlook.
This add-in is built to maximize productivity and efficiency for busy managers and HR professionals especially working in remote locations. Now you can edit task status and close the completed tasks using the Outlook without having to access the SharePoint website.
Users don't need to pay any charges for using Employee Onboarding for Outlook add-in. However they need to subscribe to our SharePoint Employee Onboarding add-in to be able to use the Employee Onboarding for Outlook add-in.
We provide 7 days of trial for Employee Onboarding SharePoint add-in.
• Quick installation and configuration
• Employee Onboarding task overview
• Can be easily connected with Employee Onboarding site under logged in domain
• Support both Outlook Web and Outlook for desktop
• This add-in is free with Employee Onboarding SharePoint add-in.
• Use filters by date, process, email, department types
• Manage filters with task category and different user levels
• Can be redirected to the SharePoint site
• Add task-relate remarks and update task status
• Birdseye view for the global admin
• Access-based view for level admin and users
• View comment history and add new remarks
• Dedicated Outlook pane to view Employee Onboarding tasks
• Keyword search for each task
• One-click task closure feature
Prerequisite: First you need to download our SharePoint Employee Onboarding add-in from link below:
Add-in capabilities
When this add-in is used, it
Can send data over the Internet
This add-in can read or modify the contents of any item in your mailbox, and create new items. It can access personal information -- such as the body, subject, sender, recipients, or attachments -- in any message or calendar item. It may send this data to a third-party service.
Mogelijkheden van de app
- Gegevens via internet verzenden
- Deze app kan de inhoud van items in uw postvak lezen of wijzigen en kan nieuwe items aanmaken. De app heeft toegang tot persoonlijke gegevens, zoals de hoofdtekst, het onderwerp, de afzender, de ontvangers en de bijlagen van alle berichten en agenda-items. De app kan deze gegevens verzenden naar een service van derden.