Interprefy Remote Simultaneous Interpretation

door Interprefy AG

Flexible, scalable and premium cloud interpreting platform.

With Interprefy, you can add real-time language interpretation from professional conference interpreters to your Microsoft Teams meetings.

Connect people in their own language by utilizing Interprefy's powerful combination of cloud-based remote simultaneous interpretation technology, unmatched language talent and professional services.

Benefit from Interprefy's unparalleled experience from delivering over 30,000 multilingual events for organizations of all shapes and sizes.

With the Interprefy add-on for Microsoft Teams you can:

  • Make your meetings truly multilingual by adding professional human interpreters
  • Make your meetings more inclusive and accessible
  • Join the meeting in a language you're comfortable in
  • Seamlessly integrate Interprefy into Microsoft Teams

If you are not an existing Interprefy client, or you work with one of our partner Language Service Providers, please send us an email to and we will set up your account accordingly.



  • Interprefy Add-on is not available on Mobile and Surface Hub devices
  • Closing the Interprefy app from inside the Microsoft Teams meeting will stop interpretation

Mogelijkheden van de app

Wanneer deze app wordt gebruikt, kan deze
  • Gegevens via internet verzenden
  • Deze app heeft toegang tot de persoonlijke gegevens van het actieve bericht, zoals telefoonnummers, postadressen en URL's. De app kan deze gegevens verzenden naar een service van derden. Andere items in uw postvak kunnen niet worden gelezen of gewijzigd.

Een overzicht