List Slicer

door Make Digital Solutions

The fastest way to filter PivotTables and Tables to a list of values.

List Slicer helps you increase productivity and achieve higher accuracy when analyzing data and creating reports using Pivot Tables and Tables in Excel. If there are many items in a Pivot Table or Table and they have similar looking identifiers or numbers, setting manual filters can be a time-consuming and error-prone process.

With List Slicer, more can be accomplished with fewer errors. There is no more scrolling and searching for the right items in a lengthy list, and no manual selection of items. Simply enter or copy/paste the desired identifiers to filter on, and apply the filter with a single click. No installation is required, and it works with Excel for Windows, Mac and Web. List Slicer is added to the workbook and can easily be shared across a team.

When you use List Slicer the first time you are assigned a Subscription Preview plan that allows you to use List Slicer for FREE for 30 days. A paid subscription plan is required after the 30-day trial period.

Please do not hesitate to contact Make Digital Solutions ApS on email should you have questions or need help with List Slicer.

Mogelijkheden van de app

Wanneer deze app wordt gebruikt, kan deze
  • Lezen en wijzigingen aan uw document aanbrengen
  • Gegevens via internet verzenden

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