edoc search for M365

door edoc solutions ag

cross-search find and retrieve documents and structure them in contexts

edoc search for M365 is a standardised software product from edoc, which extends the document search options of your SharePoint Online environment with new functions and a process-related search.

It is a SharePoint webpart that enables a metadata-based search and displays search results to the user via an integrated viewer. In addition to searching for documents, it is also possible to jump directly to the context of a process, where further information on the context is displayed in aggregated form at a glance.

Although it is a standard product, important elements are freely configurable. For example, you can individually define which properties can be searched for or which document properties are displayed in the viewer. The structure of a context can also be created or changed with just a few clicks.

edoc search for M365 offers real added value in daily work with SharePoint Online - developed by experts for experts.

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