Power Apps Scenario Based 1Wk Workshop


The offer for customer who new on Power Platform family to kick-start on Power Apps Cavas Apps with Automation.

This is full hands-on 5-days workshop which we will run a business scenario discussion and continues with development activity based on agreed scenario, by the end of the session customer will have a working apps as pilot use.

Below are the Agenda for 5-days workshop:

  • * Day -0.5: Setting up Logistic, preparation and pre-requisite of workshop
  • * Day 1: Introduction of Power Apps & Automate
  • * Day 2: Discovery Workshop
  • * Day 3: Plan and Design Together
  • * Day 4 & 5: Hack it, built the apps as Planned.

Microsoft Teams online.

Travel and expenses may apply as additional cost if on-site workshop is require.

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