Viva Goals Pilot


With the Viva Insights Pilot we will work with you to deploy and prove the real value of Viva Goals through enabling it in your environment


This pilot program will enable you to prove real value by trialing Microsoft Viva Goals in your own environment. Over the course of 12 weeks, we will provide you with an accelerated hands-on experience with Viva Goals to:

❑ Learn how a strategic, outcome-driven approach to goal-setting, like the Objectives and Key Results (“OKRs”) framework, can create alignment, focus and an engaged work culture to drive business outcomes

❑ Discover top scenarios and use cases that are important to how your organization drives purpose, alignment and results

❑ Enable and trial Viva Goals to discover how integrated solutions help manage and drive measurable results using the OKR framework

This engagement is delivered in a three-phase approach:


  • Gain alignment by inviting key business decision makers to sponsor the pilot
  • Envision and discuss top scenarios and goals to focus on during the trial window
  • Agree on pilot scoping decisions, including identification of the user group who will participate in OKR training & trial of the Viva Goals app


  • Turn on a Microsoft Viva Goals Trial in your production tenant and enable select users with the Viva Goals app in Teams
  • Get goal-setting and management guidance, including training on OKR best practices, and support for Viva Goals in Teams
  • Regular status meetings to discuss pilot progress or challenges


  • Summarize key learnings and results or feedback from users who participated in the pilot
  • Build a plan and define next steps to improve employee experience with Microsoft Viva

This engagement if for SMC and Enterprise customers, pending Microsoft's approval

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