
firmy Infotopics AfT B.V

Easily integrate your live Tableau Dashboard(s) in PowerPoint or Excel!

Live Tableau Dashboards in PowerPoint and Excel!

VizSlides enables you to easily integrate your Tableau dashboard(s) within PowerPoint and Excel. Enjoy real-time Tableau visuals in your PowerPoint presentation and Excel spreadsheet!

Usually preparing for meetings can be a time-consuming task. You need to extract the relevant Tableau dashboards into static images, place them in a PowerPoint or Excel file, and format them nicely to make it presentable. Doing this task every time is certainly time-consuming.

With VizSlides, presentations are no longer just static images. Instead, you can include entire dashboards that allow for interactions through filtering, down drilling, or plain selections. The data is real-time and always up-to-date, which allows your organization to become more data-driven!

You can customize the view of your dashboard by applying filters in Tableau and even save them on a slide level. This way, you always get up-to-date visualizations with the applied filters whenever you open the presentation.

Easy, quick, and secure login

All the products from Apps for Tableau are secure as they comply with ISO 27001 and NEN7510. Your data and user access are secured under Tableau’s governance.

Why you should use VizSlides

  • Easy to setup with up-to-date Tableau Dashboards
  • Works on Tableau Public (Free), Server (Enterprise), and Cloud (Enterprise)
  • Save Filters & Parameters
  • Customize your view
  • Login secure with Okta, SSO and Azure (Enterprise)

Get started:

Before you try the add-in, make sure you get the most out of it by using the product guide.

Learn more about VizSlides here



The free version in the gallery works with Tableau Public. Are you excited to use VizSlides on Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud in PowerPoint? Visit our product page for more information here!


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