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Invoices, support, and much more! Provision a TALXIS Portal and get started today!

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TALXIS Portal is a unified contact center for your clients and business partners, serving for the intuitive handling of necessary agendas.

By using the customer portal, you are enabling your clients to sign contracts, pay invoices and check statements faster and more efficiently. Communication via the online client zone will strengthen the client's relationship with your company.

All in one place

  • By combining sources of information, clients are relieved from the effort of searching for information, resulting in a greatly improved user experience.

Intuitive Interface

  • A user-friendly interface will enable your clients to use the portal with ease and enjoyment, making them want to come back.


Client account information

  • Set contact information and preferences, including verification of phone number and email address.
  • Delegate access to colleagues and subordinate employees.

Customizable agendas

  • Specific appearance and additional features of the portal are fully in your control. The tool will be tailored from the start to match your business needs and sustainably grow with you.

Overview of valid contracts and amendments, electronic signature of documents

  • Generation of contracts from templates, publishing of proposals, and integration with various electronic signature providers, including qualified ones (Signi, DocuSign, Sofa, Adobe Sign...).


  • Thanks to orders being in one place, the client always has an overview. It is possible to expand the solution with SMS notifications, rescheduling, and other automation.

Catalog of products and services

  • The overview of products with their prices ensures that the client is always informed of offers that may interest them.

Tax documents, payment gateways

  • Publishing of invoices from the accounting program, notification of overdue payments, and displaying current balances with the possibility of payment through the payment gateway.

Attachments and document exchange

  • Support for document sharing and online collaboration within Microsoft 365.
  • Possibility to generate documents from pre-made templates.

Helpdesk, live chat, and mass communication

  • The portal can be used as the main communication channel with your clients.
  • Some types of requests can be automated and the portal can be used as a customer self-service.

Business premises, addresses, logistics, and equipment

  • Filtering of data, reports, and access management at the organizational unit level.
  • Remote equipment setup, telemetry reading, self-readings, and more.

Custom graphs, reports, and operational data

  • Through interactive and easily readable graphs, the client gains greater insight into their data.

Technical features

  • Integration with Microsoft Power Platform
  • Advanced permission rule-setting options
  • Login through external identity providers, with support for authentication through the data box
  • Easy login through SMS or email link
  • Extensive integrations and data access options
  • Ability to create custom workflows through Power Automate
  • User-definable views, filters, and export to Excel

TALXIS Zákaznický portál

Jednotné kontaktní centrum pro vaše klienty a obchodníky, které slouží k intuitivnímu vyřizování potřebné agendy.

Pomocí zákaznického portálu umožníte vašim klientům podepisovat smlouvy, platit faktury či kontrolovat výkazy rychleji a efektivněji, než byli do teď zvyklí. Komunikace prostřednictvím online klientské zóny pak díky své jednoduchosti upevní vztah klienta s vaší společností.

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