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ChatGPT for ExcelAPPS DO WONDERS LLCSmart Spreadsheets. Smart Decisions.
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1 out of 60
Rosie AI - ChatGPT for ExcelRowsie AIYour AI assistant for Excel - helping you write formulas, analyze data, and uncover insights.
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2 out of 60
Formula Bot | AI in SpreadsheetsFormula Bot (Datasetmatch LLC)Revolutionize your analytics workflow, from formula generation to data automation.
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3 out of 60
SankeyArt Diagram CreatorSankeyArtTurn financial statements into beautiful Sankey diagrams.
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4 out of 60
Stock ConnectorMichael SaundersLink stocks, currency, & crypto prices to cells in Excel spreadsheets and update them in real time.
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5 out of 60
GPTZeroGPTZeroGPTZero detects AI-generated text right inside Word. Just highlight and get results!
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6 out of 60
WisesheetsWisesheets Inc.Historical and real-time stock data for over 50,000 stocks and ETFs for all major global exchanges.
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7 out of 60
Analytic SolverFrontline Systems Inc.Analyze risk, find the best way to allocate resources using Monte Carlo Simulation and Optimization
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8 out of 60
Fuzzy Lookup for ExcelSMALLPDF KENYAThis Fuzzy Lookup add-in for excel allows user to perform fuzzy lookup and Fuzzy match up on excel
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9 out of 60
XLSTAT CloudAddinsoftStatistics and data analysis add-in.
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10 out of 60
Sally Suite深圳市识途管理咨询有限公司A GPT-based Copilot that helps you edit Excel, Word, and PowerPoint effortlessly
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11 out of 60
ParaHTMLViewerParadigm BIThis is a single Card HTML Viewer which can display Power BI Data, accept input and submit
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Power BI visuals
12 out of 60
Syft AnalyticsSyft AnalyticsThe interactive & collaborative financial reporting tool
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13 out of 60
FactSet 365FactSetLeverage the power and intelligence of FactSet's Excel add-in anytime, anywhere
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14 out of 60
Workspace Lite Add-inRefinitivBuild your models in Excel using LSEG’s unique content and analytics
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15 out of 60
AdaptiveCardsParadigm BIAdaptive Cards for Power BI
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Power BI visuals
16 out of 60
Live Stock Quotes Ticker - ClassicSharePinPöint Apps and IT ServicesDisplays stock quotes from all major world exchanges with price ranges and short company profile
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17 out of 60
SQCDPUmlaut SEManage Safety, Quality, Cost, Delivery and People with the popular Lean-Method SQCDP
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18 out of 60
Erlang CalculatorCCmath B.V.The Erlang Calculator with custom functions including Erlang X, Chat, Blending and more!
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19 out of 60
Cbonds Add-inCbondsBond and international bond parameters, stocks, quotes of trading systems and market participants
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20 out of 60
TracxnTracxnGet company information from Tracxn directly into Microsoft Excel
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21 out of 60
Power GPTAppsense Inc.With Power GPT, that’s like having an Excel expert by your side, 24/7!
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22 out of 60
Jedox Add-in for Excel 365Jedox GmbHAccess Jedox, and increase planning collaboration, by connecting the Jedox Add-in for Excel 365
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23 out of 60
Stock Price in Excel | FinsheetFinsheetReal-time and historical stock price in Excel; 30+ yrs of stock fundamentals and more.
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24 out of 60
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25 out of 60
Power Reconcile For ExcelAppsense Inc.This Excel Add-In will help you create a reconciliation report automatically, with 3 easy steps.
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26 out of 60
Tegus Add-in for ExcelTegus Inc.Build custom analyses and enrich your models with Tegus fundamental data
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27 out of 60
Coefficient: Salesforce, Hubspot Data ConnectorCoefficient Works Inc.Connect any data source to Excel and pull data in a single click!
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28 out of 60
Insurance DashboardADROSONIC IT CONSULTANCY SERVICES PVT LTDInsurance Dashboard is a free of cost, ready to use dashboard for any Insurance organization
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Power BI apps
29 out of 60
LiveFlow - Advanced Reporting & Consolidation for Microsoft ExcelLiveFlowConnect, analyze, and share QuickBooks Online data seamlessly and securely
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30 out of 60
GuruFocus Add-in for ExcelGurufocus. LLCFully customizable investing research and analysis tools
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31 out of 60
Ramp for ExcelRamp Business Corp.Query your Ramp data directly in Microsoft Excel.
Applicable to:
32 out of 60
Zebra BI Charts for OfficeZebra BIThe most powerful charting visual in Excel & PowerPoint with a complete set of advanced charts!
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33 out of 60
Jet Analytics for Business CentralinsightsoftwareDeliver a Single Source of Truth for Fast, Flexible Enterprise-Wide BI and Analytics
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Business Central
34 out of 60
Infor Query and AnalysisInfor Global SolutionsThe Infor Query and Analysis Addin can be used to extract and drill down on SunSystems data.
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35 out of 60
Zabbix WebhookZabbixReact faster to monitoring alerts by integrating Zabbix with Microsoft Teams
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36 out of 60
Custom Functions in ExcelBetter Solutions LimitedThis add-in provides additional worksheet functions that will increase your productivity
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37 out of 60
Excel Controller voor Exact OnlineExcel ControllerMaak eigen rapportages in MS Excel met de gegevens uit Exact Online met lijsten en functies.
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38 out of 60
IEX Cloud Stock DataIEX CloudConnect real-time and historical financial data for U.S. equities into Excel from IEX Cloud
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39 out of 60
DealCloudIntappEmpower Your Firm To Source More Deals Through The Power Of Networks And Relationships.
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40 out of 60
MarketXLS Select 5: Excel Your Investments with Premium Data & Analytics for US Stocks, Mutual Funds, ETFs, Options, and Cryptocurrencies (Up to 5 Symbols)MarketXLSInstitutional Grade Stock Data in Excel for Stocks, Mutual Funds, Options, ETFs & Cryptocurrencies
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41 out of 60
ArborchatSpeechless Financial Technology Company LimitedAI insights, streamlining stock analysis, financial modeling, and data comparison within Excel.
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42 out of 60
XBRL Filed DataXBRL USGet as-filed data from financial reports submitted in XBRL format.
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43 out of 60
PBI RobotsDEVSCOPEPowerBI Robots - automate Power BI reports
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44 out of 60
Ultimate UpSet PlotSamuel GratzlExplore set overlaps of more than three sets interactively
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Power BI visuals
45 out of 60
iFinD 365杭州同花顺数据开发有限公司iFinD 365 是iFinD金融终端 基于office 365 开发的EXCEL数据接口,覆盖股票、债券、基金、期货、外汇等各金融品种,包括基础数据指标、丰富的经济数据指标和国内外市场行情数据。
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46 out of 60
Green Street Add-InGreen StreetEnhance your investment analyses with Green Street's industry leading commercial real estate data
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47 out of 60
Zebra BI Tables for OfficeZebra BI1-click stunning tables with integrated charts for income statements directly in Office.
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48 out of 60
Cryptocurrency Price TickerSharePinPöint Apps and IT ServicesBasic Cryptocurrency webpart to show more than 200 worldwide cryptocurrency prices & market info
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49 out of 60
Copilot AuditNEXTBPCopilot Audit automates audits in Excel to save time.
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50 out of 60
Translator for ExcelNO FRIENDS LTDQuickly and automatically translate Excel content with just one click. Supports hundreds of languages.
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51 out of 60
QuickFS Add-in for ExcelQuickFS.netHistorical financial data for U.S. and international stocks embedded in your spreadsheet.
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52 out of 60
Country MapAddinlyA powerful tool for displaying countries, regions or counties on 70+ different maps.
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53 out of 60
Sparta for ExcelSparta Commodities SASparta's live pricing data, including swaps, physical premiums and freight; delivered to Excel.
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54 out of 60
MeaningCloud Text Analytics for ExcelMeaningCloudPerform text analytics directly on your Excel spreadsheet
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55 out of 60
dbt Semantic Layer for Exceldbt LabsQuery governed metrics in Excel from the dbt Semantic Layer, your single source of truth.
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56 out of 60
Postleitzahlen Karte DeutschlandyaicoHeatmap Karte für Deutsche Postleitzahlen (PLZ 3-stellig)
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57 out of 60
PmBI - Process Mining by ProcessMProcessM UGAnalyze your business processes to discover real behaviors, performance, deadlocks, and bottlenecks!
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
58 out of 60
FactSetFactSetLeverage the power and intelligence of FactSet anytime, anywhere.
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59 out of 60
Lara AISigma Engagement LLCAI-powered employee assistant for Microsoft Teams
Applicable to:
60 out of 60