Build your Custom CoPilot for your Frontline Workers (manufacturing)

NTT Germany AG & Co. KG

Provide virtual assistants to frontline workers on the shop floor for natural language assistance.


A virtual assistant designed for Frontline workers on the shop floor using Power Virtual Agents or Copilot Studio is a powerful tool to enhance productivity and streamline operations.

With this Workshop series, you can achieve


Task Automation: The assistant can automate repetitive tasks like data entry, inventory checks, and reporting issues.
Real-time Assistance: It provides real-time support for troubleshooting, accessing manuals, or guidance through complex processes.
Training and Onboarding: The assistant can offer interactive training modules for new employees, reducing the learning curve.
Safety Compliance: It can remind workers of safety protocols and ensure regulation compliance.


IoT Devices: The assistant can integrate with IoT devices on the shop floor to monitor equipment status and alert workers to potential issues.
Enterprise Systems: It can connect with ERP, CRM, and other enterprise systems for seamless data flow and access to information.

User Experience:

Natural Language Processing: Workers can interact with the assistant using conversational language, making it accessible to everyone.
Multilingual Support: The assistant can communicate in multiple languages to cater to a diverse workforce.
Voice and Text Interaction: Depending on the environment, the assistant can be designed to respond to both voice commands and text inputs.


Mobile and Wearable Devices: The assistant can be deployed on mobile devices or wearable tech like smart glasses for hands-free operation.
Kiosks and Terminals: It can also be available on kiosks or terminals strategically placed around the shop floor.


This virtual assistant would be a valuable asset for frontline workers, helping them stay focused on their tasks while having immediate access to the information and support they need.


This workshop series will demonstrate the art of possible, and you will get a specification document for your virtual assistant. After the workshop, you and NTT will start building the virtual assistant based on an individual use case-specific offer.

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